English version

Support (En)

How may we help you?

English version Support (En) How may we help you?

Pink Elephant has a professional helpdesk that supports you by phone with technical issues and problems.

Customer Servicedesk

Clients of Pink Elephant have a dedicated telephone number to reach us. With this number, you will get in contact with the customer servicedesk team that knows your organisation. Your IT department can tell you the number you need to call.

Alternatively, you can send an email to csd@pinkelephant.nl

If all else fails: you can always call our reception at 088 235 66 55. They will connect you to the correct servicedesk employee.


Remote Support

When you are in a call with a Pink Elephant servicedesk employee, it may be necessary that he or she directly connects to your computer in order to see your screen. The servicedesk employee will provide you with a session key.


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Denise Oudenaarde

Recruiter +31 6 3975 8288

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Hans de Vlieger

Business Development Manager Microsoft +31624797028

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Sietske Valkenburg

Director Professional Services +31610891683

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Astrid Stoffelsen

HR Manager +31657536266

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Armand Hettinga

Accountmanager +31613908113

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Pink Elephant Naarden

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1411 DE Naarden